Children’s Mental Health Blog
Explore recent articles from Little Otter’s child and family mental health and wellness experts.
A Guide to ADHD and Race in Children & Families
Black or Latinx/Hispanic children are much less likely to be diagnosed with ADHD or receive treatment than White children. Here, we’re talking about ADHD and race - and how misdiagnosis impacts kids in BIPOC families.
How Should I Handle My 4 Year Old’s Tantrums?
“My 4-year-old daughter (soon to be 5!) throws major tantrums, and finds it difficult to listen or complete a task. She has started wetting herself and the bed. She has a younger one-year-old sibling. How should I handle these tantrums? Should I be worried?””
How to Talk to Kids about Gender Identity
Wondering how to talk to kids about gender? Here are tips for talking to children about gender identity, gender expression, and sexuality.
Should I Worry about My 2-Year-Old’s Tantrums about Diaper Changes?
“My two-year-old has tantrums for 10-15 minutes when try to put on her diaper. Could this be a sign of a sensory issue?”
Tips for How to Talk to Kids about a Shooting
As we reckon with mass violence events, you may be wondering how to talk to kids about a shooting. Little Otter gathered 5 tips from experts, including research-based guidance from the National Child Traumatic Stress Network, for how to have these important conversations with your children.
Should Unhappy Parents Stay in a Loveless Marriage for the Child?
“Is it better for the parents to stay together even though the relationship is not good, so that the child has both parents in his life?”
How to Deal with Toddler Tantrums
Here are 15 tips for how to deal with toddler tantrums, from helpful mindset shifts to actionable guidelines. Tantrums are challenging! These tips aim to make dealing with temper tantrums easier.
I Think My Son Has a Crush on an Older Boy. How Should I Respond?
“My son appears to have developed a crush on an older boy. This has thrown me for a loop since my son is so young. I’ll love him no matter what, but how can I respond?”
Is it Bad to Bribe My Kid to Get a Haircut?
“Is it bad to bribe my 6-year-old? I never have before, but I really want him to get a haircut and he wants to grow long hair. He refuses to have it cut when I ask him, so I was thinking I would bribe him to do it for some candy or a video game. It would just be a one time thing but I'm unsure if there will be any long term implications. What do you think?”
6 FAQs about Supporting Your Child’s Gender and Sexual Identity
Today, we’re answering 6 common questions to provide guidance about how to support your child’s exploration of their gender identity.