Children’s Mental Health Blog
Explore recent articles from Little Otter’s child and family mental health and wellness experts.
How Should I Handle My 4 Year Old’s Tantrums?
“My 4-year-old daughter (soon to be 5!) throws major tantrums, and finds it difficult to listen or complete a task. She has started wetting herself and the bed. She has a younger one-year-old sibling. How should I handle these tantrums? Should I be worried?””
Should I Worry about My 2-Year-Old’s Tantrums about Diaper Changes?
“My two-year-old has tantrums for 10-15 minutes when try to put on her diaper. Could this be a sign of a sensory issue?”
Why Does My 13 Year Old Still Wet the Bed?
“My 13 year old and 11 year old both still wet the bed. They both seem too old to have this issue. Why do my 11 and 13 year olds still wet the bed? Is there a particular age in which bed-wetting should stop?”