Children’s Mental Health Blog
Explore recent articles from Little Otter’s child and family mental health and wellness experts.
How Can I Handle My 2-Year-Old’s Meltdowns?
One parent wrote to us, worried that their two year old’s tantrums might be a sign of a greater mental health concern. Here’s the question, and answers from our team of mental health experts.
How Can I Stop My 3 Year Old from Hitting?
One parent wrote in about her toddler’s aggressive behavior: hitting. Here are three tips for how to handle 3 year old hitting, from our team of child mental health experts.
How Can I Help My Sibling with an Eating Disorder?
One sibling wrote in with concerns about their brother’s food avoidance. Here’s advice from our team of experts about how to help a sibling with an eating disorder.
How to Respond to Toddler Biting
Learn the causes of toddler biting, how to respond if your child bites, and when to worry about biting.
Is My Son Experiencing Preschool Anxiety?
One parent wrote in, asking about how to support their son in dealing with new hesitancy around school. Here’s advice from our team of experts about how to navigate preschool anxiety.
Should I Worry about My 5-Year-Old’s Obsession with Halloween, Spooky Toys, and Scary Themes?
One parent wrote in, worried that their child seemed obsessed with scary stuff. Here’s our team’s advice about if and when to worry when a child likes scary things.
Why Does My Daughter Seem Stressed Before Events?
One mom wrote to us, asking why her child seems stressed or worried before events, even good ones. Here’s advice from our team of child mental health experts.
A Guide to Impulsive Behavior and Child Mental Health
In this blog, you’ll learn more about impulsive behavior and what it means for your child’s mental health.
Why is My 11-Year-Old Daughter So Rude and Defiant? How Should I Respond?
One parent wrote to us, asking about how to respond to their daughter’s rude and defiant behavior. Here’s a response from our team of child mental health experts.
Why Does My 5-Year-Old Have Violent Tantrums?
“I’m worried and wondering why my 5 year old gets violent when we take something from him, like his game when he is being bad. He hits, stomps, and curses. He may hit animals or a person nearby, including his parents, grandparents, and siblings. I don’t know how to get him to stop. Any advice?”