Children’s Mental Health Blog
Explore recent articles from Little Otter’s child and family mental health and wellness experts.
Should I Worry about My 2-Year-Old’s Tantrums about Diaper Changes?
“My two-year-old has tantrums for 10-15 minutes when try to put on her diaper. Could this be a sign of a sensory issue?”
Should Unhappy Parents Stay in a Loveless Marriage for the Child?
“Is it better for the parents to stay together even though the relationship is not good, so that the child has both parents in his life?”
I Think My Son Has a Crush on an Older Boy. How Should I Respond?
“My son appears to have developed a crush on an older boy. This has thrown me for a loop since my son is so young. I’ll love him no matter what, but how can I respond?”
Is it Bad to Bribe My Kid to Get a Haircut?
“Is it bad to bribe my 6-year-old? I never have before, but I really want him to get a haircut and he wants to grow long hair. He refuses to have it cut when I ask him, so I was thinking I would bribe him to do it for some candy or a video game. It would just be a one time thing but I'm unsure if there will be any long term implications. What do you think?”
Our Son Says He’s a Girl. How Should We Respond?
“Our son says he’s a girl. We’re very supportive of whomever he becomes, but how can we tell if this is just play or if he really is a girl?”
I’m Worried My 3-Year-Old Son is Experiencing Gender Confusion. Any Advice?
“I’m worried that my 3.5 year old son is experiencing gender confusion. Can you help me understand if his behaviors indicate that he will be gay or transgender?”
How Can I Talk to My Younger Sister about Parent’s Divorce?
“How can I talk to my 6-year-old sister about the divorce of her parents in a way that will help her feel supported?”
How Can I Respond to My 7 Year Old’s Defiance and Outbursts?
“How can I respond to my 7-year-old son’s defiance and outbursts?”
Does Little Otter Treat ADHD?
“Do you guys diagnose ADHD in children and prescribe stimulant medication?”
Why Does My 5-Year-Old Have Violent Tantrums?
“I’m worried and wondering why my 5 year old gets violent when we take something from him, like his game when he is being bad. He hits, stomps, and curses. He may hit animals or a person nearby, including his parents, grandparents, and siblings. I don’t know how to get him to stop. Any advice?”