Children’s Mental Health Blog
Explore recent articles from Little Otter’s child and family mental health and wellness experts.
Help! My 4-Year-Old Tantrums When Told “No”
“My 4 year old daughter has very little capability to deal with ‘No.’ Every time I say no to something (and it’s mostly about screen time) she screams in my face and sobs…How can I help her hear the word “no” without tantrums?”
Should I Worry about My 2 Year Old’s Head Banging When Upset?
“My toddler bangs their head on the ground when they get upset. Should I be worried about my child’s head banging when upset?”
Help! My 2-Year-Old Has Tantrums Every Day
“My two-year-old has tantrums everyday. He won’t listen, either. I don’t know how to handle this. My partner and I are separating, but I’m not sure whether that is relevant, or why my son is acting this way. What can I do?”
Why Does My 13 Year Old Still Wet the Bed?
“My 13 year old and 11 year old both still wet the bed. They both seem too old to have this issue. Why do my 11 and 13 year olds still wet the bed? Is there a particular age in which bed-wetting should stop?”
How Can I Help My 11-Year-Old, Who is on the Autism Spectrum, Stop Skin Picking?
“My 11-year-old child is on the Autism Spectrum, and experiences OCD and ADHD. Two years ago, he started picking his own skin in response to trigger words. Now it’s happening when he’s online distance learning while waiting for others to have turns. How can I get him to stop skin picking?”
When Should I Worry about My 5-Year-Old’s Night Terrors?
“My 5-year-old son experiences night terrors. Is this something he’ll ‘grow out of,’ or should we be worried?”
Should I Worry About My Son’s Nightmares & Strange Dreams?
“My 4-year-old son frequently has nightmares and bad dreams. Should I be worried? If so, what should I do?”
Should I Worry About My Daughter Going Back-and-Forth Between Mine and Her Father’s House?
“Should I be worried about my child going back and forth between visiting her father's house and returning home? She has a lot of fun at her father’s house where there’s less structure. Also, at our home she has to do her virtual schooling.”
How Can I Respond to My 8-Year-Old’s Rudeness Without Pushing Him Away?
“My 8-year-old son is very disrespectful and rude. I am a single mom, and he sees his dad sometimes. Should I be worried about his behavior?”
I’m Worried I’m Projecting My Own Trauma Onto My Daughter. Any Advice?
“I’m worried about the amount of my own trauma I'm projecting onto my 7-year-old daughter…I’ve noticed that my daughter and I sometimes have similar responses; in myself, I recognize them as trauma responses. I’m wondering whether they are the same for her, or if they’re just learned behaviors to get her way?”