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How Can I Respond to My 7-Year-Old’s Screaming Temper Tantrums?

“My 7-year-old daughter’s temper and attitude are horrible, and I think she needs some help. She will not listen, will not do as she asked, and she screams at the top of her lungs when she doesn’t get her way. Every option we’ve had to deal with these issues doesn’t work anymore. I’m at a loss, and don’t know what to do. Do you have any advice?”

Ask a Child Psychologist
Anger & Aggression

This post is part of a series where our team of child mental health professionals answer real questions submitted by readers like you. This post deals with issues related to temper tantrums and anger. Please take care when reading.

One parent wrote in, expressing that her 7-year-old’s temper tantrums and expressions of anger are becoming overwhelming. Here’s her question, and the response from Little Otter’s team of mental health experts:

“My 7-year-old daughter’s temper and attitude are horrible, and I think she needs some help. She will not listen, she will not do as she asked, and she screams at the top of her lungs when she doesn’t get her way. Every option we’ve had to deal with these issues doesn’t work anymore. I’m at a loss, and don’t know what to do. Do you have any advice?”

- B., Alabama

Thank you for your question and I am sorry to hear about your daughter’s attitude and behavior. It sounds like you are pretty overwhelmed and may need some additional support.

Your list of concerns includes bad temper, not listening, screaming, and a negative attitude.

This combination can be challenging for a parent because it feels like whenever you intervene, set a limit, or provide support, your efforts are met with the same defiant or angry response.

Remember that a child is trying to communicate through their behavior, and it appears your daughter is trying to let you know that she is having some difficulties.

Without the benefit of more specific information, I would recommend speaking to a professional, such as her pediatrician.

If you feel comfortable, you can start by getting some parent coaching through Little Otter. You would be able to provide more details, and get support and guidance regarding how best to respond to your daughter’s behavior and angry outbursts.

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