Children’s Mental Health Blog
Explore recent articles from Little Otter’s child and family mental health and wellness experts.
Do Weighted Blankets Help with Anxiety?
Learn the science behind weighted blankets and what the research says about whether they actually work to address anxiety.
What Should You Expect in an ADHD Evaluation & How is ADHD Diagnosed in Kids?
Does you child’s school want them to get an ADHD evaluation? That’s exactly the situation one mom asked us about. Here’s what to expect in the ADHD evaluation, and how ADHD is diagnosed in kids.
When Do Kids Stop Believing in Santa?
If your family traditions involve make-believe characters like Santa, the Easter Bunny, or the Tooth Fairy, you may wonder how long your child will believe in Santa, and how to talk about it as they grow up. Get clear answers from our team of child mental health experts.
How Can I Help My Child Process Loss?
One parent recently wrote in asking for clarity about how children process grief, and how to help a child process loss. Here’s advice from our team of child mental health experts.
My Child is Scared of New Places. What Can I Do?
One parent asked us about their child’s fear of going new places, and the ensuing tantrums. Here, our team of child mental health experts provided guidance about anxiety and temper tantrums.
7 Benefits of Nursery Rhymes and Lullabies for Child Development
Learn 7 benefits of nursery rhymes and lullabies for your child’s development. Hint: it’s not just about language skills!
How Can I Handle My 2-Year-Old’s Meltdowns?
One parent wrote to us, worried that their two year old’s tantrums might be a sign of a greater mental health concern. Here’s the question, and answers from our team of mental health experts.
7 Benefits of Online Therapy
Wondering about telehealth? Here are 7 of the most important benefits of online therapy for kids, parents, and families.
How Can I Stop My 3 Year Old from Hitting?
One parent wrote in about her toddler’s aggressive behavior: hitting. Here are three tips for how to handle 3 year old hitting, from our team of child mental health experts.
How to Talk to Kids About Cancer
Learn how to talk to children about cancer, especially a caregiver’s cancer diagnosis, with age-appropriate tips for kids 2-14.